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About Us

The Jefferson Swim League is

  • a completely voluntary, non-profit organization.
  • composed of seventeen local swim teams in the greater Charlottesville, Albemarle County and Central Piedmont area of Virginia.
  • a summer swim league with over 2,870 swimmers participating.
  • fun! -- especially the JSL Championship, held at the end of the summer swimming season.

Our Mission

To provide a healthy, challenging, and rewarding growth experience through swimming for children and young adults in the greater Charlottesville, Albemarle County, and Central Piedmont area of Virginia through our summer swimming program and the JSL Championship. We want all our swimmers to:

  • Have fun.
  • Learn the fundamentals of the sport.
  • Learn about teamwork and how to be a good team member.
  • Exhibit good sportsmanship.
  • Put forth their best effort.
  • Accept both victory or defeat with equal grace.